Friday, November 1, 2013

Dress Code!

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Clothes don't make the man/woman; but they can be the perfect armor when you're competing or fighting for something you really want or desire. If this wasn't True the fashion industry wouldn't still be a billion dollar industry, shopping malls would've gone bankrupt throughout this countrywide financial recession, and Canal Street in NYC would be the only place to grab up hot couture.When a man puts on that Ralph Lauren or Gucci 2 piece suit adorned with a sleek tie, bold pocket square, and shiny cuff links he transforms into a captain of industry; even if he only works in the mail room. All of a sudden he can hold a conversation with anyone! And, it's not because the clothing has magical powers! It's merely because he now believes in who HE is when he's wearing these beautiful clothes. Sometimes, this fashion ego boost can be a good thing; and other times it's nothing more than something I call "Fraud Armor". Now, when it comes to women this game changes up a bit. A beautiful woman in a $7 dress can smooth stroll into the hottest party; as long as she is wearing $350 shoes or carrying a $600 handbag. We women have been able to accessorize our way into jobs, vacations, and sometimes a marriage to a man with means. I guess that's why for some women shopping is a life or death matter; since their lives have been built on making good visual impressions. So, how funny is it that the merchandise chicks would die for is created by a particular class of people; who have the lives these women are thirsty for, because they Refused to Conform to the Norm.

Personally, I adore the creativity of fashion. It enables you to add to or lessen your persona by merely exchanging one article for another. I can go from school teacher to super heroin in the blink of an eye; just by ditching a pair of slacks and slipping on some American Apparel shiny tights. This comes in handy for entertainers especially. Imagine how broke we would really be if we had to buy a new outfit for every picture, event, meet and greet, or whatever! Of course you have to ball out for the big events like award shows (and what not); and that's why we hire people to think of (as well as execute) all these tedious little details, that honestly become so mundane they begin to feel like suicide. Though fashion and entertainment go hand in hand, every genre creates its own swag trends! From bubble gum pop fashion in the contemporary sect to high fashion drama on the worlds largest stages; every designer has their go to artist, to push the latest fruits of their vivid imaginations. That's why I love Rock n Roll! Less has always been more in this particular alternate reality of the music world. For some reason, African American entertainers still believe in buying our pride off the rack at Macy's. As if, it changes a damn on the billboard charts! You look great on the album cover, but the content sucked! Go Figure!!! I guess that's why I've always relied on my gift to dictate the way I dress; and not the other way around. How many times have you seen an artist look nothing like how their music sounds? It's also funny how that changes the way you hear the music as well.

Throughout the ages, fashion has always been the bookmark of humanity. Just by the style of dress you can easily recognize periods of time. Trends from high collars to high waistlines or A-line dresses and wide leg pants can tell you the year, age, or political stance of what was going on in the world. That's what makes fashion so amazing! You can be who or whatever you want to be; by merely setting into a get up and keep it moving. Lately I've been doing most of my shopping online; and I don't know if that's a good thing, but it's awfully convenient. At the top of this post I attached this really cool link. You can find all your favorite labels, purchase them at lightening speed, and do it all in your PJ's without ever leaving your front door. Now that's what I call shopping! The dating game has me seeking out what I want to look like in the coming months; and less we not forget, holidays are just around the corner. This is the time of year when social gatherings are at a surplus; and making that great lasting impression rises to the top of most of our priority lists. Be who you want, be whatever you want; and most importantly be fearless about it! Remember this- You are absolutely perfect as you are! But, damn ain't it fun dressing it all up! So, what look is turning you on right now?    


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