#RIPPAULWALKER 1973-2013 |
Every now and then an artist comes along that touches your soul without permission. From the second you lay eyes upon them, you instantly become mesmerized by their presence; and then find yourself inebriated off the delicious aroma emanating from their lush, soulful characteristics. Paul Walker was most definitely one of these profound people. I remember Paul from as far back as "Charles in Charge". From day one this gorgeous corn fed dynamo captured all our hearts with that infectious smile he flashed practically on cue; which made it nearly impossible for him to thoroughly embody bad boy characters, though he did a great job of it in the feature film "Skulls". Paul was the kind of actor that made you grab your mouth if a curse word slipped out of his. Almost making you feel like he was only saying it to fit in with cool kids smoking cigarettes under the bleachers during recess. Paul Walker is the "Good Guy" "Boy Next Door" prototype all our mothers would've wanted us girls to end up with; and he is also the guy who could get our parents to suspend us being on punishment, just because he requested our presence at his Big Birthday Party. This was a man that could accomplish all that with one smile; glamoring anyone into submission, who dared to stare into his beautiful blue eyes.
Quintessential Boy Next Door |
This is definitely one of my favorite Paul Walker Pics! Easy going, barefoot, relaxed, and yet still so damn confident at the same time. Honestly, very few grown men can truly pull this off; considering its nearly impossible to package sweet as hell and sexy as S!#$ in the same individual successfully, without it looking counterfeit. For Paul, achieving this appeared to come as natural as breathing; while exuding the power that can only come from one who completely embraces their self UN-apologetically. It was these very characteristics that had ME ready to fight Reese Witherspoon in "Pleasantville". How dare she mess with that sweet, gorgeous boy like that?! Played with his emotions like a cat batting around a ball of yarn! LMAO!!! But seriously, how could I reach such compelling emotions if not for the
presence of Paul Walker? Like I said earlier, even without permission this man crawled under your skin, and into your heart; then stayed there with you long after the film credits rolled. Mr Walker I salute you as an Actor, Artist, Activist, Human Being, and a Father as well. Your little girl Meadow will have very high standards when it comes time to choose her life mate. Mostly, because of the shining example you provided all her life; just by being the man you were born to be, the man who touched many lives, and the man who transitioned living life fearlessly to the very end.
Paul's Daughter Meadow |
Torretto & O'Connor |
Boys &Toys |
A few years back I had a gripping as well as enlightening cognac hazed conversation with another awesome actor who captured my heart as well- "Best Man Holiday" star Mr. Terrance Howard. The club was loud, the VIP booth was dim lit, our voices were just above a whisper; and yet it was one of the loudest conversations I've ever had with another human being. Not loud in the sense that we were arguing, because we were most certainly not; but loud in the sense of a Spike Lee or Wayans brothers film, with someone screaming "WAKE UP" or "MESSAGE" at you out of nowhere. The topic of conversation was career vs family/legacy; which would be a weird chat to have in a loud crowded club, except for us two who could seamlessly slip through myriad parallels of presence. I was complaining about my marriage conflicting with my work, and that's when Mr. Howard began to strip me down to the bare bones of it all. First Terrance shared a few of his personal experiences with work/marriage/ family; slightly pontificating though vigilantly staying on topic impressively. Then BOOM!!! Mr. Howard's point finally emerged!! The words he so surgically put together cut deep; and have stayed with me to this very day. "The point of life all comes down to what ends up on your Epitaph." he said almost with a sneer smeared across that beautiful face of his. "Go to the cemetery and see if you can find a resume` printed on even one headstone? If you can I'll give you a thousand dollars for proving me wrong"! Paul is so much more than his career filmography or his wikipedia page online. But, the one fact I pray they don't leave out on his Epitaph is that Paul died as he lived. Fast, Furious, Fearless, and Free! I ask myself at least 1 time every week, "If I died today would I die a happy woman"? When my answer is no that means its time to change my priorities; and when the answer is yes I bookmark what I'm up to, and remember to do these things as regularly as I can. So, in close I only have one question to ask all of you. What Will Your Epitaph Say? God or Universe willing it will be as glorious as Paul's. Just a touch of perspective to start out the week with; and let us not forget to keep the family/friends/colleagues of the Amazing Paul Walker in prayer and/or meditation. Now go out and LIVE while the LIVING is Good! #RIPPAULWALKER
Paul Walker- Shining like Gold |